JTL File log extensions and Analysis
Please check below usefull information and analyze the report as per need.
This represents the total bytes consumed for execution of our
load test so you need to convert bytes into megabytes and check total memory
available for load test
Note: Note your total Available Memory before execution of
load test and compare after execution of load test
Dt-Data Type
What type of data type we are using to execute our load test
in general it should be text
UTF-8 format we are using
Lb-Label Name
Lb- represents the label name of an current HTTP request if
you want you can customize otherwise keep it as it ease
HTTP Request name are known as sample names
Lt-Latency = time to initial response (milliseconds)
Response time just cross check all the request and identify
which request consumes height response time and check with client given
response time for loading of pages
Client defined GetUserEducationalDetails
should be open <=5 Sec
Latency =47 ms
Which is normal in the execution
Rc- Response Code
It shows response code if page downloaded successfully it
redirect the code as 200
Note: Please know all the HTTP codes before work
HTTP Response Codes:
504= Internal Server Error
404= Not found
Rm-Response Message
Response message for HTTP 200 is OK
Code with related text
S-Success Flag (True/False)
Page success full executed or not
If it recorded True page executed success fully it records
false Failed to execute
t-Elapsed Time
Elapsed time represents how much duration our load test
EX= 5 min or 10 min or 20
12:02:02 to 12:15:07 etc…
tn-Thread Name
Thread name is nothing but VUser Name
Check VUSer names it executes from defined one or not
Ts-Time Stamp
Time stamp shows the current time of staring load test
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